How much do I pay now?

Portrait sizes are reasonably priced at 8x10($40), 9x12,($45) 11x14,($50) compared to $100+ that other artists charge!


Please  Email Me or mail the photograph to me at the address below -

( don't forget to include your name, phone number, and address with it!)  so I will be able to view the reference photograph(s) and get an idea of the specifics of your particular need. Even if you decide you do not want to proceed with the ordering process at that time, your hard copy photographs will be returned to you. Irreplaceable photographs should have copies made before mailing to protect against loss in the mail.


My mailing address is:

Dana Benz

19 Mansfield Street

Bethel, CT 06801

I will be in touch with you to discuss your order as quickly as possible. I may have additional questions so I can get the artwork just the way you want it.


If I have any trouble being able to work from your uploaded photograph, I will also talk to you about that and inquire about a hard copy (an actual photo-print) from you might be needed to complete your order.   


After I have this information, depending on the size, I can give you a price quote on your custom art.


To begin:

In order to proceed, the order requires half payment (50% of the total fee) up front to begin work on the portrait, with the remaining 50% due at completion of the project and your satisfaction.

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If not, email me at or sign the guestbook!